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Tech needs to reduce its water consumption in a thirsty world

April 25, 2024

Tech needs to reduce its water consumption in a thirsty world

How much water does the tech industry consume, and at what environmental cost? This pressing question underlies our latest article on the water consumption of data centers, a considerable yet often overlooked consumer of water resources. The rapid progression of artificial intelligence (AI) will only increase the tech industry's water consumption. but maybe it just holds potential for developing innovative solutions to manage it. Join us in exploring the ripple effects of this demand and the innovative solutions shaping a more sustainable digital future.

Key Takeaways

  • Data centers contribute significantly to water consumption due to their cooling processes, and despite some tech giants reporting their usage, industry-wide transparency is still lacking.
  • Local water resources and communities are impacted by data center operations that compete with daily water needs, with urgent calls for balancing economic growth and environmental conservation.
  • Innovations in AI and decentralized computing, coupled with policy developments, aim to optimize water use in tech but also forecast a rise in future consumption that must be addressed.

The Thirst of Technology: Data Centers and Water Use

Illustration of a data center with cooling systems

The past decade has seen an incredible surge in the demand for cloud computing and data center infrastructure, which in turn, has significantly escalated water consumption. How does this growth in technology relate to our water resources though?

Data centers exhibit an unquenchable thirst. They house a myriad of servers, storage devices, and networks. But these machines generate heat, lots of it. To keep them from overheating and failing, they need to be cooled, and that’s where water comes in to meet their fluid needs. Wind power, as a renewable energy source, alongside AI, can significantly influence the water consumption patterns of data centers by optimizing energy use and reducing reliance on traditional cooling methods.

Cooling the Cloud: The Water-Intensive Process

Imagine a chilled glass of water on a scorching summer day. As the heat from the air meets the cold surface of the glass, condensation forms. This is the same principle that data centers use to cool their equipment with water. Various types of cooling equipment, such as chillers and cooling towers, are used to recirculate water, helping to maintain a safe operating temperature for the data center’s essential IT equipment.

However, this process, while effective, is not without its drawbacks. The cooling and humidification systems in a data center are the major contributors to water consumption. While there are ways to improve water efficiency, such as elevating chilled water temperatures and recycling water, these methods still necessitate additional energy for treating the recycled water.

Transparency and Consumption: A Closer Look at Tech Giants

Despite tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft beginning to share their water consumption data,industry-wide transparency is still far from being the norm. There is a growing concern about the sufficiency of water resources for neighboring communities, especially in the shadow of these digital behemoths.

Consider Google, for instance, which consumed approximately 5 billion gallons of water for cooling its data centers in 2022 alone. This figure gives us a glimpse of the immense water footprint of major cloud providers, including Microsoft, Amazon, and Meta, due to their operational needs.

Sustainability in the Server Room: Initiatives and Innovations

Confronted with high water consumption and fluid loss, data centers have begun exploring innovative solutions for more sustainable operations. From AI-assisted water management to modern cooling systems like the Thermosyphon Cooler Hybrid System, the industry is making strides toward improved water efficiency.

Alongside these innovations, data centers are also participating in water replenishment programs, aiming to restore water to basins that are in need. And they’re not doing it alone. Many are following voluntary initiatives like the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact and the European Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency to align their operations with eco-friendly principles.

The Ripple Effect: Local Water Resources and Global Computing in the Epoch of Climate Change

Artistic representation of strained local water resources

The water consumption of data centers has a significant impact far beyond the confines of the server room. Data centers draw water from 90% of the country’s watersheds, making them one of the top ten commercial industries for water consumption in the United States. Such extensive water use reverberates beyond the server rooms, affecting local water resources and exacerbating global water stress.

For instance, in Mesa, Arizona, the establishment of large data centers by tech giants like Meta, Google, and Apple has raised concerns over the local water supply. Similarly, in The Dalles, Oregon, Google’s data centers consumed over one-quarter of the town’s annual water supply in 2021.

When Servers Compete with Citizens

The extensive water usage by data centers often incites a conflict between the tech industry and local communities. High-quality drinking water sources necessary for everyday life, such as drinking, cooking, and washing, are also required by data centers, leading to competition that can strain local resources. This wide array of water usage highlights the need for sustainable solutions.

For example, the town of The Dalles, Oregon, experienced a tripling of Google’s data center water intake from 2016 to 2021, leading to a significant diversion of the town’s water resources towards the center’s operations. Similar situations have surfaced in other locations too, adding urgency to the need for careful management of water resources.

Balancing Act: Economic Growth vs. Environmental Preservation

Data centers play a critical role at the intersection of economic growth and environmental preservation. They have to make a critical choice of either consuming less water and potentially using more electricity, or the reverse, impacting both economic costs and environmental sustainability.

This balancing act is particularly evident in the Western regions of the United States, where approximately 20% of data centers draw water from moderately to highly stressed watersheds. The tension between the economic incentives of data centers and the necessity for environmental conservation is clear, and it’s a challenge that needs to be addressed head-on.

Forecasting the Future: Artificial Intelligence's Growing Thirst

Creative illustration of AI and cloud computing infrastructure

Looking into the future, advances in AI and cloud computing are poised to escalate water consumption in data centers. The integration of AI into society and business is resulting in an increasingly large environmental footprint, which includes a significant amount of water used for cooling data center equipment.

Even our interactions with new technologies, like engaging with advanced AI such as GPT-4 and Claude, can drive up the consumption of freshwater due to the cooling needs of data centers. As digital transformation accelerates, there is an urgent need to confront and manage the growing water footprint associated with the cloud, as it contributes to climate change and global warming. The rapid progression and increasing capabilities of AI applications, especially in managing smart grids and handling massive data volumes, bring to light the ethical implications and the necessity for AI alignment and reduction of algorithmic bias in water use, ensuring that AI behavior aligns with human values and environmental sustainability.

The AI Wave: Predictions and Projections

With the advancement of AI models, which require doubling computational power every five to six months, the energy demand for data centers is on the rise. The expected electricity consumption of data centers by 2026 is projected to rival Japan’s total consumption, reflecting the surging energy needs tied to AI advancements.

On the brighter side, hyperscale data centers, which are larger and more advanced than traditional data centers, have contributed to AI’s energy efficiency improvements. However, with the increased accessibility and decreased cost of AI technology, there are concerns about higher overall usage, leading to even more water consumption.

Pioneering Solutions: Cutting Edge Approaches to Water Conservation

To address these challenges, data centers are leveraging AI and machine learning to assist in water conservation efforts. Through AI analytics, data centers can optimize their water usage, reducing the environmental impact of their operations. AI also facilitates the integration of wind power into the grid by improving forecast accuracy and financial value, which indirectly benefits water conservation efforts. This is evident in how companies like Google have harnessed AI to enhance the efficiency and financial value of wind power, contributing to more sustainable energy consumption and supporting the shift towards peak consumption times.

Economic incentives also play a crucial role in promoting sustainable water practices globally. The combination of AI-driven techniques and incentives is accelerating the transition to water-smart strategies in the tech industry, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Water-Smart Strategies: Best Practices for Data Center Efficiency

What then are some practical solutions to this escalating water consumption issue? There are a variety of strategies and best practices that data centers can employ to improve water efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.

Raising temperature and humidity setpoints, improving cycles of concentration in cooling systems, and evaluating and upgrading cooling infrastructure are just a few of the ways data centers can reduce their water waste.

Efficiency First: Reducing Water Waste

By raising temperature and humidity setpoints, data centers can reduce the need for evaporative cooling, leading to significant water savings. In addition, by evaluating and upgrading their cooling infrastructure, such as chillers, data centers can further decrease water waste.

Data centers can also implement air management strategies, IT efficiency upgrades, and improved power systems to lower the cooling demand, subsequently reducing water usage. The adoption of Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software and smart technologies can also play a crucial role in better managing energy consumption, thereby enhancing water use efficiency.

Reuse and Recycle: Harnessing Renewable Energy and Alternative Water Sources

But what if data centers could reduce their reliance on potable water altogether? The key lies in harnessing alternative water sources, such as rainwater and greywater. These sources, when treated to local standards, can be used for non-potable uses within buildings, reducing the strain on potable water supplies.

For instance, rainwater harvesting and greywater treatment strategies are economically viable, offering the potential for investment amortization within shorter periods. By combining these strategies, data centers can significantly cut down potable water use, which is particularly beneficial for semi-arid areas.

The Significant Impact of Decentralized Cloud Computing on Reducing the Water Footprint of Data Centers

Artistic depiction of decentralized cloud computing

What if we could minimize the water footprint of data centers even more? Enter decentralized cloud computing, where computing resources are distributed across many smaller, localized personal computers and mobile phones rather than concentrated in large centralized facilities. This model could help alleviate water stress by reducing the demand for water resources traditionally used by data centers.

Situating these decentralized devices in regions with ample water resources could further reduce the strain on water-scarce areas. The smaller scale of decentralization makes it easier to implement advanced water conservation and efficiency measures, such as water recycling systems and waterless cooling technologies.

One example of such a platform is Hive, which utilizes a peer-to-peer network of user devices to provide distributed cloud storage, eliminating the need for large, water-intensive centralized data centers. By tapping into the vast amounts of unused storage space on personal computers and devices, Hive can provide cloud storage services with a much lower water footprint compared to traditional cloud providers and other forms of storage solutions.

In addition to reducing water usage, decentralized platforms like Hive also offer benefits in terms of enhanced privacy, security, and reduced energy consumption. While there are limitations and challenges to peer-to-peer cloud storage, such as lower performance compared to a centralized cloud for some applications, platforms like Hive demonstrate the potential for a more sustainable alternative to traditional cloud storage.

The Policy Perspective: Governing Water Usage in the Digital Age

While the tech industry wrestles with its water consumption, policymakers are also intensifying efforts to tackle this issue. From the EU to the US, new legislation is being introduced to govern water usage in the digital age, targeting efficient water use in data centers and enforcing transparency and accountability in the sector.

These laws and directives not only influence how water resources are managed but also affect the supply and sanitation of water. To effectively address water scarcity, governments must invest in governance structures and institutions capable of handling conflicts and adapting to variable conditions.

Legislation and Incentives

Legislators in the U.S. and the EU are demanding accountability for AI’s environmental impacts on human life, including its water and energy consumption, and addressing AI ethics concerns. For instance, a U.S. bill focusing on AI has called for the federal government to evaluate AI’s environmental footprint and develop a standardized reporting system.

The European Union’s AI Act mandates high-risk AI systems to disclose their energy consumption and resource usage over their entire lifecycle, including the use of renewable energy sources. In addition to these regulations, policy incentives for water conservation in the tech sector are designed to discourage excessive water extraction and encourage its sustainable use.

Collaborative Efforts for a Sustainable Future

Joint efforts from the public and private sectors, backed by scientific knowledge, can also significantly contribute to managing water usage in the tech industry. For instance, the International Organization for Standardization is developing criteria for sustainable AI that will embrace standards for measuring water consumption and energy efficiency.

Public-private partnerships, such as Singapore’s model, can drive innovation and garner investments in water sustainability projects. However, for these partnerships to be successful, they must ensure equitable conditions for all stakeholders and include regulatory oversight for greater transparency and accountability.

We Need to Curb our Tech Water Thirst

The water footprint of the technology that powers our tech is only going to get bigger. From data centers to AI and cloud computing, the tech industry’s thirst for water is an issue that requires urgent attention. However, with innovative strategies, effective policy interventions, and collaborative efforts, we can pave the way towards a more sustainable future.

While the path to water-smart technology is not without its challenges, the potential rewards are immense. As we continue to innovate and build a digital future, let’s remember that every byte of data, every algorithm, and every cloud server has a real-world impact. By addressing the water footprint of technology, we can ensure that our digital future is not just smart, but also sustainable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do data centers use so much water?

Data centers use a lot of water mainly for cooling their servers and IT equipment, which generate a significant amount of heat. This water is used in cooling systems like chillers and cooling towers to prevent overheating.

How are major tech companies addressing water consumption?

Major tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are addressing water consumption by sharing their water usage data and implementing innovative strategies and technologies to improve water efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.

How does the growth of AI affect water consumption?

The growth of AI is leading to an increase in data center water usage due to the higher energy demand for cooling advanced AI models. This trend has implications for water consumption in the context of AI integration.

What are some solutions to reduce the water consumption of data centers?

To reduce water consumption in data centers, consider implementing best practices for water efficiency like raising temperature setpoints upgrading cooling infrastructure, and exploring alternative water sources such as rainwater and greywater. Additionally, decentralized cloud computing presents the potential for minimizing water usage.

What role does policy play in managing water usage in the tech industry?

Policy plays a crucial role in managing water usage in the tech industry by introducing legislation and incentives to enforce transparency and accountability and encourage sustainable water practices. This helps govern water consumption and promote responsible resource management.

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