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Time to rethink what Black Friday means for tech

November 10, 2023

Time to rethink what Black Friday means for tech

Each year, millions of perfectly functional devices end up as e-waste, contributing to a mounting environmental crisis. At the same time, Black Friday has long been synonymous with throngs of shoppers and flashy tech deals and the landfills just keep getting bigger and bigger. 

This Black Friday, we're taking a stand for what we believe it’s right.

Rather than chasing the latest models, we encourage you to hold on to your existing devices a little longer. Hive's 'Rethink Black Friday' is not about buying new; it's about making the most of what you have and joining a community dedicated to tech longevity and environmental stewardship.

A special offer from Hive

To celebrate sustainability, we're offering 25GB of free storage to every new user who signs up until December 3rd. But that's just the beginning. Continue with us on this journey, and within three months, you could see your storage space grow to 100GB, just by contributing your unused hard drive space to hiveNet, the most sustainable cloud in the market.

How to claim your free 25GB

Getting on board is easy. Sign up for a free Hive account, and you're set with 25GB of secure, and sustainable cloud storage. It's our way of thanking you for choosing to be part of a more responsible tech future.

Increasing your free hiveDisk space to 100GB: your contribution counts

Ready to quadruple your free storage? Your journey to 100GB is simple: stay active for three months on hiveDisk after December 3rd, while contributing your unused hard drive space to hiveNet. Your 25GB will be increased to 100GB automatically after 90 days.

It's a small step for you, but a giant leap for cloud sustainability. By doing so, you support our vision of a distributed, resilient, and environmentally friendly cloud service.

Learn more on how to contribute

Rethink the way you consume tech

This Black Friday, let's redefine the narrative that has us consume more and more. It's time to look beyond the discounts and see the value in sustainability.

Love your devices; use them responsibly, extend their life, and share their potential. In doing so, we become  part of a community that doesn’t want to drown our planet in plastic waste.

The most sustainable tech is the one you're already using.

Visit our Black Friday page